- Νame: Pelagidis Theodore
- Role: Professor
- Field: Economic Analysis
- Department: Department of Maritime Studies
- Office: 602/G. Lambraki 21 Building
- Telephone: +30 210 4142577
- E-mail: pelagidi[at]unipi[dot]gr
- Professor (Economic Analysis), University of Piraeus, Dpt. of Maritime Studies (2004-)
- Deputy Governor, Bank of Greece (2020-2026)
- NR Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, USA (2012-2020)
Academic Studies
- 1995-1996: NATO Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, USA.
- 1993-1994: Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, USA.
- 1991-1993: Doctorat (Economics), Dpt. of Political Economy, University of Paris VIII/Lumieres, France.
- 1987-1989: M.Phil. (Development Economics), Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK.
- 1983-1987: Diploma/Ptychion (Economics), Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Economics
- Maritime Economics
- Blue Growth Economics
Research Interests
- Positive Political Economy
Selected Publications
- “Globalization or Regionalism? States, Markets and the Structure of International Trade”, (with H. Papasotiriou), Review of International Studies, 28(3), 2002, 519-535.
- “The Saving – Investment Correlation in Greece 1960-1997: Implications for Capital Mobility”, (with A. Mastroyiannis), Journal of Policy Modeling, 6/7, 2003.
- «Trade Flows: A Facet of Regionalism or Globalization?, (with G. Chortareas), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(2), 253-272, 2004. Also, European Trade Study Group (ETSG) working paper 2001 (earlier version).
- “Deficits, Growth and the Current Slowdown: What Role for Fiscal Policy?”, (with E. Desli), Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 26(3), 2004, 461-470.
- “Does Staffing Affect the Time to Dispose Cases in Greek Courts” (with M. Mitsopoulos), International Review of Law and Economics, 27(2), June, 2007. Also SSRN working paper No. 705366.
- “Rent-Seeking and Ex-Post Acceptance of Reform in Higher Education” (with M. Mitsopoulos), Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 10(3), 2007. Also SSRN working paper No. 954412.
- “Capital Mobility in Greece before and after Financial Liberalization”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(6), November-December 2008.
- “The Case for Abolishing the Higher Education State Monopoly System in Continental Europe”, (with M. Mitsopoulos), Journal of Economic Studies, 37(1), 2010, January. SSRN wp No. 703361.
- “Greek Appeal Courts’ Quality Analysis and Performance” (with M. Mitsopoulos), European Journal of Law and Economics. Vol. 30(1), August, 2010.
- “Trade Flows: A Facet of Regionalism or Globalization? A Rejoinder” (with E. Desli, G. Chortareas and P. Arestis), Cambridge Journal of Economics, No.2, 2012.
- “On the Greek Debt” (with E. Desli), International Papers in Political Economy, 2012, May.
- “The Role of Organizational Culture in Greek Businesses” (with T. Kriemadis and J. Kartakoulis), EuroMed Journal of Business , 7(2), 2012.
- -“How safe are the Greek Banks in the current uncertain eurozone environment?”, World Policy Journal , ΧΧΧΙ, ΝοSummer 2014.
- -“Why Internal Devaluations Failed to Kick-Start an Export-Led Recovery in Greece?” (with M. Mitsopoulos), Challenge. Magazine of Economic Affairs, Nov. Dec. 2014
- -“Giving Greece a Chance to Succeed” (with M. Mitsopoulos), Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy , Spring 2015.
- “Greece’s New Agreement with Europe: Is this time different?”, (with P. Kazarian), Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy, Sept.-Oct. 2015.
- “Constitutional Design and Corruption” (with M. Mitsopoulos), European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 44/1, Αugust 2017.
- “Efficiency in the Tax-Auditing. A Case Study of the Greek SDOE (Economic Crime Unit)”, (with A. Sarantis & M. Mitsopoulos), forthcoming, International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, June 2017.
- “How to Damage an Already Fragile Economy. The Rise and fall of Populism in Greece”, (with J. Palaiologos), Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, August 2017.
- “The Uncovered Interest Parity Puzzle. Evidence from four Major Currencies” (with A. Petsas), Regional Science Inquiry, June 2017.
- Efficiency Measurement of 6 Major Container Ports in the West Africa Region (with J. Konstantinidis), Regional Science Inquiry,X(2), June 2018.
- “The South-East Energy Corridor Connecting Greece and Cyprus; How Feasible, how Viable?” (with A. Stratakis), Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitical Reviewvol. 3, Spring 2018.
- “Free Trade, Protectionism, and the Global Economy”, World Economics, 19(2), April-June 2018.
- “The Ten-Year Anniversary Crash”, World Economics, 19(3), July-Sept. 2018.
- “The Lessons Quebec Offers to Greece and Europe”, Managerial and Decision Economics (with M. Mitsopoulos), Dec. 2018.
- “How Europe should Overcome the Coming Deadlock” (with G. Chortareas), Economists’ Voice, Vol.15, Dec.2018.
- “An Economic Comparison of Greece and Italy”? World Economics, 19(4), Oct.-Dec. 2018.
- “The Importance of Making Things. Manufacturing Matters” (with M. Mitsopoulos), Industrial Relations, 74/1, 2019.
- “The Meaning of ‘More Europe”,European View (with M. Mitsopoulos), Vol. 18, n.1. 2019.
- “Davos 2019 in the Uncharted Waters of Digital Globalization” World Economics, Vol. 20(1), 2019.
- “BDI’s Correlation with Leading Economic Indicators”, (with E. Tsahali), Regional Science Inquiry, XI(1), June 2019.
- “BRI and China’s European Ambitions”, World Economics(with H. Haralambides), Vol. 20(3) 2019.
- “Forward Freight Agreements and Market Transparency in the Capesize Sector” (with G. Panagiotopoulos), Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Vol.35 (3), 2019.
- “The Viability of a Mediterranean Energy Hub and the Interests of European Union and Russia;Common or Conflicted” (with A. Stratakis), MGIMO Journal of Law and Administration. 2019; 15(4):69-91.
- “Greek Economy: Between optimism and substandard growth”, World Economics, Vol. 21(1), 2020.
- “What Shipping can Tell us about Europe’s Covid-19 Induced Japanification” (with H. Haralambides), World Economics Journal, Vol. 21(3), 2020.
- “Statistical Data Collection Challenges amid COVID-19 Pandemic” (with E. Kostika), World Economics Journal,Vol. 21(4), 2020.
- “Capesize market behavior: Explaining volatility and expectations” (with J. Karaoulanis), Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Vol.37 (1), 2021, Elsevier.
- COVID-19 Pandemic and Energy Shifts in South-East Mediterranean. A Possible Correlation?, (with A. Stratakis) Regional Science Inquiry, XIII(1), June 2021.
- The Taxation of Labour in the Developed Countries. Insights by the World Economic forum Executive Opinion Survey (with M. Mitsopoulos), CATO Journal, Vol.413), Sept. 2021.
- “Panamax Markets Behaviour: Explaining Volatility and Expectations” (with J. Karaoulanis), Journal of Shipping and Trade, 6(15), 2021, Springer.
- Labor Taxation and Investment. The Impact on Employment”, (with M. Mitsopoulos), Regional Science Inquiry, XIII(2), Dec. 2021.
- “Digital Markets and crypto-currencies as Drivers to CBDC” (with E. Kostika), Journal ofIndustrial and Business Economics, Sept. 2022.
- Tanker Short-Term Spot Rates Trend Forecast: The case of Yanbu – Rotterdam(with J. Karaoulanis & St. Lazou), International Journal of Transportation Economics, forthcoming 2022
Articles in International Volumes (refereed) selectively
- “EMU: Economic Policies to Overcome Demand Disturbances” (with P. Arestis and G. Chortareas), in P. Arestis and G. Zezza (eds) Advances in Monetary Policy Macroeconomics, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2007.
- “Organization Culture in Greek Science and Technology Parks”, to “ELECTRONIC GLOBALIZED BUSINESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH IT MANAGEMENT: STRATEGIES AND PERSPECTIVES”, by W.B. Lee, Patricia Ordonez de Pablos, & Waldemar Karwowski (eds), IGI-GLOBAL Publishers 2011.
- “After the Greek Crisis. What we learnt on Reform” (with M. Mitsopoulos), in S. Calyvas, G. Pagoulatos & H. Tsoukas, The Challenge of Reform in Greece, 1974-2009: Assessment and Prospects, Hurst Press, 2012.
- “Efficiency: Greece”, in R. Backhaus (ed), Ency of Law & Economics, Springer, 2013 (with M. Mitsopoulos).
- “Taxing everything that moves! How heavy taxation and the lack of growth enhancing reforms led to deeper than expected recession in Greece”, in K. Dervis – J. Mistral, Europe’s Crisis, Europe’s Future, Brookings Institution Publ. March 2014 (with M. Mitsopoulos).
- “How to complete a Union that is built to last “, Michael MITSOPOULOS, and Theodore PELAGIDIS, XXVIII Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, “Facing EU Challenges, Relaunching Sustainable Growth” FUET – Economics Foundation, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Springer 2017.
- THE ROLE OF MODERN PORTS AND MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN EASTMED’S ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. THE CASE OF GREECE (with V. Tselentis & S. Manologlou), in The contribution of OR, new technologies and innovation in agriculture and tourism, forthcoming volume 2019, Springer.
- Why a revival of Greek manufacturing is a prerequisite to ensure a prosperous future for the country and how to achieve it. Michael MITSOPOULOS, and Theodore PELAGIDIS, Essays in Honor of Prof. S. Brissimis, Univ. Of Piraeus & Bank of Greece, forthcoming, 2019.
- “Taxing everything that moves! How heavy taxation and the lack of growth enhancing reforms led to deeper than expected recession in Greece”, in K. Dervis – J. Mistral, Europe’s Crisis, Europe’s Future, Brookings Institution Publ. March 2014 (with M. Mitsopoulos).
- “How to complete a Union that is built to last “, Michael MITSOPOULOS, and Theodore PELAGIDIS, XXVIII Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar, “Facing EU Challenges, Relaunching Sustainable Growth” FUET – Economics Foundation, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Springer 2017.
- THE ROLE OF MODERN PORTS AND MARINE PROTECTED AREAS IN EASTMED’S ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. THE CASE OF GREECE (with V. Tselentis & S. Manologlou), in The contribution of OR, new technologies and innovation in agriculture and tourism, forthcoming volume 2019, Springer.
- Why a revival of Greek manufacturing is a prerequisite to ensure a prosperous future for the country and how to achieve it. Michael MITSOPOULOS, and Theodore PELAGIDIS, Essays in Honor of Prof. S. Brissimis, Univ. Of Piraeus & Bank of Greece, forthcoming, 2019.
- Understanding the Greek Crisis. From Boom to Bust, MacMillan/Palgrave, 2011 Winter, Monograph. 2nd revised paperback edition with a new 12.000 words cpt. 6, March 2012 (with M. Mitsopoulos)
- “Taxing everything that moves! How heavy taxation and the lack of growth enhancing reforms led to deeper than expected recession in Greece”, in K.Dervis-J.Mistral, Europe’s Crisis, Europe’s Future, Brookings Institution Publ. May 2014 (with M. Mitsopoulos)
- Greece: From Exit to Recovery? The Brookings Institution Publ., June 2014, (with M. Mitsopoulos).
- Who’s to Blame for Greece? Austerity in Charge of Saving a Broken Economy, Palgrave MacMillan 2015, November.
- Μέση Γη: Η Επιστροφή του Πολιτικού Κέντρου, 2017, Εκδ. Παπαζήση.
- Who’s to Blame for Greece? How Austerity and Populism is Destorying a Country with High Potential, MacMillan/Palgrave January 2018.
- Money, Trade and Finance: Recent trends and Methodological Issues, P.Pantelidis, I.Kokores, D. Yiannelis, T.Pelagidis (eds), MacMillan, forthcoming, 2021.
- Who’s to Blame for Greece? Life after Bankruptcy. Between Recovery and Substandard Growth (with M. Mitsopoulos), 3nd revised edition with eight (8) more cpts. Spring 2021.
by appointment: pelagidi@unipi.gr
See Research (Έρευνα)
-Freight markets
-Safety and envirnoment in shipping. Economic approach
- Articles/letters published in the New York Times (12/09/2011), Financial Times (28/1/10), The Guardian (1/2/10), CNN 7/5/2012. Interviews: Agency France-Presse, DeutcheWelle (13-15/5/11), Canada BC Febr. 2010, Financial Times 11/12/2008, Mediapart/Le Monde 12/12/08, The Guardian (17/12/10), La Croix, Die Welt, RSR Suisse, Berlingske (Danish) 11/5/11. References in the New York Times (11/1/11), The Guardian (April 2011, 12&19 Febr. 2012), New York Times Magazine 11/2/12, The New Republic 24/4/12, Millyet April ’12, Washington Post 5/5/12, The New Yorker Sept. 2013, Brookings Institution blog, September, December, January (2), April 2015, Bloomberg, Toronto Star, The Washington Times, Financial Times, El Mercurio, ElPais, etc.
- Wall Street Journal extract:Blueprint for a Greek RestructuringUrgent action is needed to prop up economy, Brookings Institution’s Theodore Pelagidis saysFeb. 25, 2016 5:26 p.m. ET | WSJ Pro OnlyFeb. 25, 2016“Greece is running out of time again, but this time, the real economy really is collapsing,” writes Theodore Pelagidis, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and a professor of economics at the University of Piraeus in Greece, in making the case that a new restructuring program for the country is urgent and cannot take months to work out with the International Monetary Fund. Capital controls, the government’s unwillingness to act and economic uncertainty “are killing it,” he argues, “making a viable agreement even more financially expensive and politically costly and tricky.” Mr. Pelagidis says that a tax overhaul is needed, but not at the top, as most wealthy Greeks pay their taxes in full and are at risk of leaving the country and shrinking the tax base if their taxes increase. He also argues against trading debt relief for pension reform, writing that there isn’t “robust evidence on the unsustainability of Greek debt” and that the IMF would be better off helping the government put the economy on the right track, “and then debt will be much more easily serviced than anyone now believes.”—Lisa Beilfuss